Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement with a charismatic spirituality. It had its beginnings in India, but is now active in nearly 28 different countries around the world. Jesus Youth is an initiative of young people themselves, who, filled with the Holy Spirit try to reach out to other young people. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centered on the Lord Jesus Christ: beginning with an experience of God nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Though not an actual community, Jesus Youth is a network of small but vibrant groups of young people. In their own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord, responding to the challenges of today's world in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Youth members seek to grow as faithful disciples of Christ, through the six pillars of the movement
Daily Prayer: A daily 'quiet time' with the Lord leading to an experience of the companionship of Jesus, enables one tohave a joyful attitude in daily life.
Word of God: A regular time for a meditative reading of the Sacred Scripture helps one to seek God's guidance and shape his life according to God's will.
Sacraments: Frequent and active participation in the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation contributes to a life of wholeness and strength and are integral to a person's growth in holiness.
Fellowship:Christian life, a call to live the life of the Trinity in communion with one's brothers and sisters in Christthrough mutual support, encouragement and gentle correction, is an important element in the movement. Cells, small groups, prayer groups, service teams and friendship circles help to make Jesus Youth a family.
Service:Following the footsteps of the Master who brought the Good News to the poor, Jesus Youth stretches out a helping hand to those burdened with poverty and deprivation
Evangelization:Personal renewal in Jesus leads to a commitment to share the person and message of Jesus with others. This commitment to evangelization is central to the life of every Jesus Youth.